Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Now i can post these!

Ok, so we are back from Mexico...more to come about that in later post. So heres the deal, i wanted to post a few of my bridal portraits. I was going to do this weeks ago but found out that Aaron reads my blog...wait, what,who knew!?!?! So anyways im glad i found that out before i made a BIG opps. are some of my favs. And as a side note heres a little plug for the awesome photographer...Her name is Jennifer Nichols and she takes great pictures and is so nice and easy to work with...ok so wedding post coming soon and honeymoon post too! Enjoy!


  1. Hi Keathly! I'm so excited to discover your new blog about your new life! It's so pretty! Congratulations on your marriage! The wedding was beautiful....and you were gorgeous! I'm so happy for you and Aaron. Enjoy the rest of the summer. If there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.

    Also, please save Saturday, August 16th for our annual, Girls Night Out! Look forward to seeing you then!

    A big hug to you Keathly!

  2. how did you have a blog and I never knew... you better follow me back (I've been a bad blogger but with my recent break up, and new apartment all by my lonesome, I'll be back.
