Sunday, September 19, 2010

some fun ideas...

So lately i have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Football season for this girl is CRAZY! Not only am I married to a coach but I am also a cheerleading coach (*rah*rah you get the picture). Anyway...Homecoming is coming up this week here at ole CHS and we are celebrating our 50th year. For those of you that have known me for a while you know my really a wolf in sheeps clothing...i went to Abilene High (shhhh dont tell) so this transition has been a little rocky at times. But all that to say, i must admit I am now officially a COUGAR FAN!! And seeing as how this is now posted on the internet i can never never never take it back. I love my job, i love the people i work with, and i love my husband and our paychecks so now i bleed red(cause thats normal) and blue!

Ok enough about that, now on to the real reason for my post. I love love love to make stuff! I will see something in a store or in a picture and think to can i make that??? So since my life is currently spinning out of control I have decided to share with you some of the fun ideas I have been accumulating over the last few months. And disclaimer: if you make any of the super cute things let me know how they turn out!

I thought these would be so fun for a party! I want to make red and black ones for a Tech watching party soon!

This cupcake is so cute you almost hate for a kiddo to ruin it...alas, this is prob why i dont have kids...yet (that yet was for you Aaron, im coming around)

Ok so I just loved this color combo, I wish i had a friend who had a bday coming up soon so I could use it.

Ok I have made no secret of the fact that if the previously mentioned fictitious child should happen it should most definitely be a girl so she can wear this dress that her mama has made her as soon as her mama learns how to sew :)And lastly, I thought this was such a fun idea for a fireplace. We dont have one in our house right now but if we should ever move we will def. be purchasing a house with a fireplace so i can do my pumpkin thing!

1 comment:

  1. Should you learn to sew, you can also make my fictitious daughter that adorable dress ;) And, I'm glad there are 3 of us eagle converts over at CHS makes it easier! Ha.
